Thursday, November 07, 2002

Help me......Please!
I am used to the kids in my neighborhood stopping by and asking me to buy something to help their school activities. I have purchased raffle tickets, five dollar chocolate bars, and chances to win boom boxes. I have only turned down one kid, which I did with remorse, as he was in Boy Scouts and I [he says proudly] was an Eagle Scout. However I really didn't want $20 popcorn. I hope the Scouts come back again with something more economical that I like.

So, when the door bell ring late Tuesday afternoon I wasn't surprised to see a young man of about 14 standing there. In fact, when I looked at him I remembered I had bought school grapefruit from him last year. No sooner had I opened the door than, with a look of great disgust and some anger he said, "I'm from St. Ann's Catholic School, would you like to buy Christmas Poinsettia's they're making me sell them." I said, "What do you mean making you"? "Yes" he said, almost tearily, "we were ordered to sell 20 each." I asked him what would happen if he didn't sell his quota. He said that knowing the school big trouble would brew.

This was starting to sound serious. I wondered, whether I should I take him in and declare asylum? Would he be excommunicated? Was there a nun outside with a ruler ready to smack us both? Well, not wanting to delve into clergical affairs, I did the only thing I could do. I ordered poinsettias. As I filled out the form I noticed that almost to a home every single one of my neighbors are getting poinsettias too. As he truned to go, with more of a sly smile, I started to wonder, is this the greatest sales pitch ever? Have I been snookered? Have I played into the hands of guilt? Well, I can always use the poinsettias.

Before he left the porch I asked him, "When can I expect these?" "Well" he said, "I can't guarantee the date, but we'll try to have them here this winter". Gee Thanks.......