Strangely curious......
The case of the D.C. sniper gets more curiouser all the time. The basic fact of oddity to me is how someone, anyone, no matter how well trained [if at all] can get away with shooting down 9 people with a high powered weapon in heavily populated areas without more witnesses and clues. Add to that...while being hunted by probably 1000's of law enforcement officers from agencies of all variety. The odds just seem against it.
The series of events has, of course, become a media feeding frenzy, with CNN and other media seemingly ignoring most other major stories. One wonders what the coverage might be if 9 people were gunned down in say, Montana. But, not wanting to be left out of the story, I flipped to CNN this morning on the TeeVee just in time to see a Very Extra Special "Live Special Alert" story covering the massive show of force at the Exxon service station in Richmond, where officers had surrounded a white van with a rack on top. Aha! Now we're getting somewhere I and the expert talking heads thought. After the cryptic messages from Chief Bullwinkle J. Moose about mystery phone calls, and communication with the perpetrator, we sensed the end was near, suspects were in hand.
What are the odds that two illegal aliens in a white van with a luggage rack on top, would stop to use the phone [ordering Burritos to go?]. Well, that apparently [at this hour anyway] is exactly what happened. At least they made an arrest. But I still have a theory, a conspiracy theory. This is a Federal coverup to take the heat off Dubya and the campaign against Iraq. And what do you bet that the "note" left behind the steakhouse turns out to be from some slimeball not connected to anything, trying to cash in for some dough.
The case of the D.C. sniper gets more curiouser all the time. The basic fact of oddity to me is how someone, anyone, no matter how well trained [if at all] can get away with shooting down 9 people with a high powered weapon in heavily populated areas without more witnesses and clues. Add to that...while being hunted by probably 1000's of law enforcement officers from agencies of all variety. The odds just seem against it.
The series of events has, of course, become a media feeding frenzy, with CNN and other media seemingly ignoring most other major stories. One wonders what the coverage might be if 9 people were gunned down in say, Montana. But, not wanting to be left out of the story, I flipped to CNN this morning on the TeeVee just in time to see a Very Extra Special "Live Special Alert" story covering the massive show of force at the Exxon service station in Richmond, where officers had surrounded a white van with a rack on top. Aha! Now we're getting somewhere I and the expert talking heads thought. After the cryptic messages from Chief Bullwinkle J. Moose about mystery phone calls, and communication with the perpetrator, we sensed the end was near, suspects were in hand.
What are the odds that two illegal aliens in a white van with a luggage rack on top, would stop to use the phone [ordering Burritos to go?]. Well, that apparently [at this hour anyway] is exactly what happened. At least they made an arrest. But I still have a theory, a conspiracy theory. This is a Federal coverup to take the heat off Dubya and the campaign against Iraq. And what do you bet that the "note" left behind the steakhouse turns out to be from some slimeball not connected to anything, trying to cash in for some dough.