Wednesday, October 02, 2002

Strange News...
[names of actual persons withheld to protect the innocent.....mainly ME from retribution for mentioning these incidents]
A strange day of breaking personal new. Starting early when an unnamed blonde who I am very fond of arrived at my house in a "state". She reported that she had just run into her Father's large vehicle with her small Yellow Bug [see no names mentioned...]. I wondered aloud how she could have done this and was told "well he was parked right behind me". Oh, I see.
Then I got a cable [actually email...cable sounds more exciting] from my Mother who resides five blocks away that a certain un-named only sister of mine had been in the hospital hooked up to intravenous antibiotics. Shocked, I imagined a wreck, illness, or some other major event. I read on to find that, no, she actually had been bitten by a cat...her own cat. It seems that cats have bacteria infested oral cavities [dogs have clean mouths] and infections are usually the result of their bites. She's fine now, and hopefully treating her cat with more kindness and respect.
And when I get to the office another shocking cable [email] is waiting from the aforementioned unnamed blonde whom I'm fond of. It seems that her only unnamed brother has just nearly burned down an entire county fair. Being a good cook and model citizen he was manning the Rotary Club's Turkey Leg booth at the Ft. Bend [Houston] County Fair, when apparently the cooking fervor got out of hand and a small fire started, and then became a rather large one. Portions of the fair were evacuated and five fire units had to be dispatched to quell the blaze. There was no loss of life, but the Ft. Bend Rotary Club is out of the turkey leg business this year.
It's supposed to rain tomorrow, I hope that's all the excitement there is.