Saturday, October 26, 2002

On the Sauce....
Apparently sauce stories are hot news on the International scene. After yesterdays tragic fish sauce story from Vietnam, alert reader Lisa in England found this important news item courtesy of the BBC. The Brown Sauce story is a classic tale of intrigue involving a Bozo not believing that the chef had created his own recipe but instead had used a popular generic, off the shelf, sauce common in Britain. Typically British, the bozo in question admits that he used bad form in coming back after hours and trying to bash the pub's door down in a drunken fit of sauce inquiry. Good show old man!

Now I can't really blame the guy. Back in my days of drunken sauce confusion I might have done the same thing. I love sauces of all types and I if someone says the sauce is original, by God, it had better be. I will admit here in public that I love Worchestershire Sauce so much that occasionally I chug it right out of the bottle, sometimes with a mouthful of Bac-O's.
[no mail saying how disgusting this is please......I know it]