Monday, October 21, 2002

Jackass....well no MORON
I read where a young woman is suing MTV for injuries she incurred while appearing on their TeeVee thriller...."Jackass". Since I personally know many Jackasses, I'm not inclined to watch such exciting TeeVee fare, so I'm commenting on third hand information. But my conclusion is.."What the xxxx is the matter with people"?
Jackass seemed to be popular with our upcoming generation because "Jackass" pushed the envelope for absurd behavior. This is good, this is what we need, more adsurd behavior produced on TeeVee for teenagers. The injured woman also claimed that "cast members, including star Johnny Knoxville, were given alcohol by the producers, which led to a "hostile, volatile and out-of-control" environment". Great, we need more out of control drunk teenagers portrayed on TeeVee.

We also need more teenagers setting themselves on fire to emulate what they see on TeeVee.
"In 2001, Jackass star, Knoxville donned a fireproof suit covered in steaks and was set on fire to become a human barbecue. A teenager who saw the stunt tried the same thing and landed in the hospital with severely burned hands, legs and back."

But this wasn't MTV's fault, they had included the ever popular warning. "Don't try this at home". Apparently MTV has learned it's lesson about Jackass, which was, "we'd better cancel this show, we're getting sued."
They've learned their lesson about using amateur actors so now they are in production of "Jackass, the Movie". All this will be included in my future upcoming book entitled, "The TeeVee factor, why we have more morons than ever".