Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Inane Rambling......
Tired of the crush of sniper's, politicians, terrorists and other stressful thoughts of the modern Globilized life, I turn to thoughts in a more mundane vane. There are things I hate about modern life [from the way it was when I was a kid] like the things just mentioned, and that people in a neighborhood don't sit on their front porches anymore to talk about them. Hell, most people don't have front porches and if they did would be afraid the neighbors might steal something if they did visit. I'm blessed in that I know and like most of my neighbors, but, and this is crazy, but......I email the people across the street as much as I do talk to them in the front yard. I email all the folks up and down the street to tell them I'm going out of town, I send them pictures of my daily life in JPG format, instead of walking over and showing them in KodaChrome. There are more things, many more that I detest about modern life [traffic, the increase in morons, the increase in TeeVee idiot talking heads] but I won't dwell on these. I'll tell you something I do like.
I like Plastic Tar. I discovered Plastic Tar today, at McCoy's Home Repair Center. I have a fireplace that has been leaking more now that the monsoon season has hit, and I tried last week to patch it with Silicon Caulk. Silicon Caulk is outmoded kid stuff. Plastic Tar is in. It comes in a paint can size bucket for only $3.95US and is the consistancy of Betty Crocker Vanilla canned icing. It slathers into the cracks very nicely, and I'm told that it dries much as would real tar, only stronger since it has genuine plastic molecules in it. I also like that the Plastic Tar was sold to me by a friend who I haven't seen in 5 years. And who happens to look exactly like The Big White Guy in Hong Kong. Plastic Tar, try it, you'll like it. It's like liquid Duck Tape.