Friday, October 04, 2002

Good news from Ft. Bend
One of the triad of strange news events yesterday was the mysterious fire at the Ft. Bend County Fair and Arson Museum, where the last mention was of counting the Rotary Club Turkey Leg business Kaput! Well in the true spirit of American Rotarianism, we are proud to announce that the Phoenix has risen from the ashes. The "unnamed arsonist" sends this updated report on the status. Fat, poor, fair going people of America are rejoicing

"You will be happy to know that although I did my darndest to burn that mutha down on Sunday night, that our Turkey Leg Booth was back in production on Monday by noon... All we (Gary and I) did was prove that our cooker was a 'self-cleaning' model... with a little help from Ed and a certain power washer. The legs do taste a little like dry chemical fire extinguisher residue, but at least we don't have to throw out those 120 or so cases of frozen turkey legs. And at $4 a pop that is some pretty serious missed revenue.
The incident did prove beneficial in a few ways. The local paper did mention the incident on the front page on Monday, but better yet on Tuesday we got redemption on the front page again, this time above the fold... so our publicity stunt may cause us to search high and low for more turkey legs. The other issue was the need for training in the cleaning of the contraption... lastly the Fair Association is appreciative of our "fire drill", noting that they were somewhat unprepared for such an incident - and now they will change their policy for booths that have 'fire in the hole'."