Give 'em a head lock....
Having once undertaken matrimonial vows in Minnesota and spending some good amount of time there in the dim past, I find the state an interesting dichotomy. For the most part, they are typical Mid-Western folks, conservative by nature, and still tending very much toward the old world Germanic wholesomeness. It's just about the cleanest state I've ever been to, and Minneapolis is a gem, with lakes, parks, art and again.....just plain really clean.
The other side of this wonderfulness is that the state has become, along with it's neighbor Wisconsin, a hotbed of old fashion liberalism. Wisconsin has been like that forever. As I have written elsewhere, there is a reason for this gung-ho liberalism. It's easy to be a tree-hugging, kissy kissy liberal if you live in areas that don't have the problems that other states do....such as run-a-way illegal immigration as an example. If the problem is elsewhere it's quite easy to give advice on the solution........what do you care, you won't have to live with it.
Of course, I got started thinking about Minnesota after the Sen. Wellstone Memorial[?]. Walt Mondale has been on the appology trail, saying that some of the people just got a "little carried away". OK. There is another name for this. Just plain rude crude bad taste. I was proud to see Gov. Jesse "Jack Slap 'em" Ventura on the TeeVee this morning. As you may know he walked out of the affair and his comment was, "I was disgusted, I ought to unscrew their heads like burnt out lightbulbs" [or something to that effect]. Way to go Jesse.
Gov. Ventura, now there is a real dichotomy that we may discuss in more detail later. On one hand I really like the guy, he was a Navy SEAL, he speaks plainly without worrying about his re-election possiblities. Then he wears slacks and a polo shirt to the memorial service and sounds about half loony sometimes.
Having once undertaken matrimonial vows in Minnesota and spending some good amount of time there in the dim past, I find the state an interesting dichotomy. For the most part, they are typical Mid-Western folks, conservative by nature, and still tending very much toward the old world Germanic wholesomeness. It's just about the cleanest state I've ever been to, and Minneapolis is a gem, with lakes, parks, art and again.....just plain really clean.
The other side of this wonderfulness is that the state has become, along with it's neighbor Wisconsin, a hotbed of old fashion liberalism. Wisconsin has been like that forever. As I have written elsewhere, there is a reason for this gung-ho liberalism. It's easy to be a tree-hugging, kissy kissy liberal if you live in areas that don't have the problems that other states do....such as run-a-way illegal immigration as an example. If the problem is elsewhere it's quite easy to give advice on the solution........what do you care, you won't have to live with it.
Of course, I got started thinking about Minnesota after the Sen. Wellstone Memorial[?]. Walt Mondale has been on the appology trail, saying that some of the people just got a "little carried away". OK. There is another name for this. Just plain rude crude bad taste. I was proud to see Gov. Jesse "Jack Slap 'em" Ventura on the TeeVee this morning. As you may know he walked out of the affair and his comment was, "I was disgusted, I ought to unscrew their heads like burnt out lightbulbs" [or something to that effect]. Way to go Jesse.
Gov. Ventura, now there is a real dichotomy that we may discuss in more detail later. On one hand I really like the guy, he was a Navy SEAL, he speaks plainly without worrying about his re-election possiblities. Then he wears slacks and a polo shirt to the memorial service and sounds about half loony sometimes.