Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Get out of jail free!
Well I have to give credit where credit is due. For once Dictator Elect Saddam Hussein has a great idea and one that I suspect may catch on. Vote for me, and you might get out of prison. If I get 100% of the vote then Everyone Goes Free! Yeeehaw! With minor variations this just might work in the US of A. The trouble here is that convicted felons, which most people in prison tend to be, can't vote. But this glitch could be overcome. Just make it a proxy vote by the convicted felon's family.
Due to our Federal form of government, this campaign strategy would work most effectively in the race for states governor. I'm already formulating my run for the Governorship of the great State of Texas. I can see, Monopoly "Get out of Jail Free" cards as my main printed material. And, of course, my theme song will be "I'll be home for Christmas". I will recommend, however, that the freed felons be deported to Iraq. This will keep the law and order voters happy.