Friday, October 04, 2002

Air Show!
If it's the first week in October it must be Air Show time. The Commemorative Air Force Air Show is the second largest [in terms of aircraft] aviation show in the US of A, and in terms of historic flyable aircraft.....the largest in the world. It's a thrill to be up close and personal with so many rare and in some cases, one of a kind planes. But, just as big a thrill is meeting people who come from all over the world, many of whom actually flew these birds, and unfortunately are rapidly aging and won't be around much longer. The stories I've heard from these folks! We get many visitors from France, Germany..a growing number from Japan. But our largest visitor group comes from Switzerland, where a group charters the own commercial airliner to attend.

The photo below taken today, is Me [center] with my crack aircrew, standing before a Bell P-39 Air Cobra. An interesting piece of technology in that the engine is located behind the pilot, with a drive shaft going between his feet to turn the propeller.