Saturday, September 14, 2002

Waxing Nostalgic
I was watching Austin City Limits tonight and the featured performer was David Byrne, of the old Talking Heads fame. Now as I grow older I like the more "quirky" performers and David is that. Or maybe eclectic. And he's about my age. So I started walking down memory lane, thinking of the time several years ago I was asked to tour as a backup with several other quirky performers.

Merle and Me

Merle Haggard is a kind and soft spoken man who has seen it all and been thru some tough times. And like me has come out the other side a better man. I enjoyed playing this gig with him.

The Cocker!

Joe and I hit it off from the very beginning and I love his music, and being part of it. Strange since he wasn't one of my real favorites in the 60's when he was hot stuff. And like me he's over his "indulgences" in exotic beverages and has become a better performer for it. I love his moves. I was thrilled to hit these licks with him for the several dates we played.