Sunday, September 29, 2002

Train of thought....
I've recently become infatuated with shooting images of trains. I have always been intrigued with them, perhaps because my grandfather had been a vice-president with the Frisco Railroad and we were brought up with them. I used to ride the train for free as a child, and even remember the railroad tracks by the grandparents house in St. Louis, where occasionally a steam powered locomotive still ran. Probably one of the last, it was magic to listen to it go by late at night in their grand house near the tracks.
The new interest arose one night when Julie, her kids and I where out and happened to get stopped at a rail crossing. I had my camera and on a whim jumped out and positioned myself about 10 feet from the tracks as the train went by at high speed. The shots really didn't come out, but it was a real experience having the train go by so close at 50 m.p.h. So much power, the wind will almost blow you down and it shakes the ground. I was disappointed but went back to that same spot the next week and took some daylight shots one of which is seen at The Tracks East of Town.

So tonight with Julie and Jack, we tried once again, but were faced with the same darkness. Although tonight I did turn on the flash, which yielded some interesting results such as capturing individual cars and their colors. Unfortunately with digital photography I don't have the good option of slowing the shutter speed to capture the movement. The photo below is taken of a train going at least 50 m.p.h. with the lights of the city to the right.

RR "X"ing, can you spell that without any "R"s?
Speeding train that doesn't look speeding at all