Open Air Dreams
We have had several days of thunder storms surrounding our area, but alas only a modicum of actual rain on the estate. But the real beauty is that it has cooled dramatically. Summer is much too long in West Texas, sometimes starting in April and running thru September. But now it is changing. Today the high was only in the mid 70's and tonight, well tonight I sleep with the windows open for the first time in five months. It is going to be near 60° for a low.
Sleeping with the windows open is a treat as the house, which was built in the mid last century, has lots of windows that all open. And a large glass door in my bedroom that opens to the patio. And the beauty of this in Midland is that it is Quiet! In Dallas, or any big city, with the windows open there is a constant hum of traffic. Here the only sounds I hear are the crickets and in the morning blue jays and cardinals at the feeder.
And the trains. I love trains. Although the tracks are one mile away, I hear the trains as they come into town, blowing their whistles at major road intersections. And if the light wind is right, I can even faintly here the "click-clack" of the wheels on the track. Distracting to some, such as the famous author I had as a guest last year. He awoke and said, "did you hear those trains..they sounded right next door". Well not really, but coming from a railroad family I don't care, I love to hear the trains on a cool night with the windows open.
We have had several days of thunder storms surrounding our area, but alas only a modicum of actual rain on the estate. But the real beauty is that it has cooled dramatically. Summer is much too long in West Texas, sometimes starting in April and running thru September. But now it is changing. Today the high was only in the mid 70's and tonight, well tonight I sleep with the windows open for the first time in five months. It is going to be near 60° for a low.
Sleeping with the windows open is a treat as the house, which was built in the mid last century, has lots of windows that all open. And a large glass door in my bedroom that opens to the patio. And the beauty of this in Midland is that it is Quiet! In Dallas, or any big city, with the windows open there is a constant hum of traffic. Here the only sounds I hear are the crickets and in the morning blue jays and cardinals at the feeder.
And the trains. I love trains. Although the tracks are one mile away, I hear the trains as they come into town, blowing their whistles at major road intersections. And if the light wind is right, I can even faintly here the "click-clack" of the wheels on the track. Distracting to some, such as the famous author I had as a guest last year. He awoke and said, "did you hear those trains..they sounded right next door". Well not really, but coming from a railroad family I don't care, I love to hear the trains on a cool night with the windows open.