Things to do
We all have things in our lives that we mean to do. Things we've been putting off for days or months, perhaps even a year. I have a very nice piece of furniture, a two drawer chest of drawers. My problem is that I've been meaning to clean out this chest for the last twenty years. That's good intentions dating back well into the last century. This chest with two big deep drawers contains nothing but "T" shirts. These are mainly shirts dating back from three decades ago. Shirts from my running days and my life in Hawaii.....6.2K race shirts, Marathon shirts, Hawaiian canoe team shirts, surfing shirts, Army shirts. Most I have not worn in decades. Most would not fit me now. They do hold special meaning, but why in the name of God I can't seem to get the nerve to move them and free up this space I don't know. It is, I believe, a moral failing on my part.
I walk into my bedroom everyday and think how nice it would be to have this space for my current wardrobe. How easy it would be to put the shirts in plastic storage boxes and stow them away for safe keeping. But there the shirts still lie, cloth monuments to a bygone life. I did take them all out four years refold them and put them back in the drawers. Outwardly this did make me feel like I was making progress, but deep inside I knew this was a sham, I was just stalling.
So, if you read this, please leave a comment urging me to take action, do something, take back this space from the shirts. You will make me feel a whole lot better about myself.
We all have things in our lives that we mean to do. Things we've been putting off for days or months, perhaps even a year. I have a very nice piece of furniture, a two drawer chest of drawers. My problem is that I've been meaning to clean out this chest for the last twenty years. That's good intentions dating back well into the last century. This chest with two big deep drawers contains nothing but "T" shirts. These are mainly shirts dating back from three decades ago. Shirts from my running days and my life in Hawaii.....6.2K race shirts, Marathon shirts, Hawaiian canoe team shirts, surfing shirts, Army shirts. Most I have not worn in decades. Most would not fit me now. They do hold special meaning, but why in the name of God I can't seem to get the nerve to move them and free up this space I don't know. It is, I believe, a moral failing on my part.
I walk into my bedroom everyday and think how nice it would be to have this space for my current wardrobe. How easy it would be to put the shirts in plastic storage boxes and stow them away for safe keeping. But there the shirts still lie, cloth monuments to a bygone life. I did take them all out four years refold them and put them back in the drawers. Outwardly this did make me feel like I was making progress, but deep inside I knew this was a sham, I was just stalling.
So, if you read this, please leave a comment urging me to take action, do something, take back this space from the shirts. You will make me feel a whole lot better about myself.