Same Ol' Same Ol'
Well not much news from the town of Midland today. Except the seven [7] houses and one apartment building that caught on fire last night from the Xtreme lightning during the storm. And the trees, walls and mobil homes that were tumped over.
[editors note: if you are not from Texas, "tumped" is a legitimate word here. Formed from -tipped- and -dumped-.......most commonly used in accordance with a beverage accident. i.e "Hey Honey, I tumped my iced tea over...would you bring me another one?".]
Oh yes the other occurance was the kid who lost control of his car at an estimated speed of 100 mph and hit an Exxon station at 2:00 A.M this morning. Unfortunatly he was incinerated. Like I say not much news.
Well not much news from the town of Midland today. Except the seven [7] houses and one apartment building that caught on fire last night from the Xtreme lightning during the storm. And the trees, walls and mobil homes that were tumped over.
[editors note: if you are not from Texas, "tumped" is a legitimate word here. Formed from -tipped- and -dumped-.......most commonly used in accordance with a beverage accident. i.e "Hey Honey, I tumped my iced tea over...would you bring me another one?".]
Oh yes the other occurance was the kid who lost control of his car at an estimated speed of 100 mph and hit an Exxon station at 2:00 A.M this morning. Unfortunatly he was incinerated. Like I say not much news.