Thursday, August 01, 2002

Rainy Day People*
Tonight was to be our semi-weekly miniature golf outing, a hot and mainly clear evening. A small thunderstorm was some distance out, it didn't appear to be a problem. But, problems can and do grow on us. A few rain drops blew in from a mile or so away, and I told the family, not to worry, no problem it's a small storm. By the 3rd hole it was raining enough to get us wet, and when lightning came from not to far away, we took shelter. Again, it looked like a 5 minute delay. The delay grew to 20 minutes, with lightning striking nearby. OK, we decided to head for the house in town, about 5 miles away, where it looked to be bright and sunny. We drove thru downtown where, strangely some streets were just about flooded, then several blocks away.....completely dry.
By the time we got home, it was constant thunder and pouring buckets. The Big Gold Dog who is "sensitive" to thunderstorms was more than glad to see us. Although he had had a "problem" on the floor in my office. Clean that up. We sent Amanda to Julies to get the Sorry game.....she almost didn't make it back. Then while Julie, Jack and Amanda were watching a baseball game, Amanda said she heard a drip, drip, dripping that sounded all too close. And it was. It was inside coming from one of the fireplaces. A big leak caused, I think, because the rain was coming from the Southeast, which it almost never does. Take down the art....fetch the buckets. By then the Bell family decided that they had had enough, and ran to the car screaming due to very close lightning strikes. They barely made it home thru the flood. But all is well now, and we needed the rain desparately though it was a very strange storm. We must have had 2" or more.
*Rainy Day People courtesy of Gordon Lightfoot....a great song.

Watch that remark...
Well today I read an article that will change the way I view "comments" on Streams. The article concerned the lengths to which some public and private institutions are going to make sure that no one's feelings are hurt. Being the sensitive sort, I was absorbed by this article like spilt milk to a sponge.
It seems that some organizations are worried about childrens sef-esteem and some adults are getting their feelings trampled by the majority in everyday life. Like the poor teenagers in Connecticut who broke into their Prep School and vandalized it. They were expelled. Now some of the parents of the offenders are suing the school stating that, the poor kids now had feelings of, get this: "feelings of unworthiness" and had their "self-worth impuned". Or take the housing project in Maine where the residents were made to take their Christmas decorations down because.....some residence tend to get depressed around Christmas and the "Happy Holidays" might make these people feel excluded. I ain' t makin' this up! The Sholom Middle School in Manhattan put the nix on Mother's Day [Mother's Day for God's sake!] because some kids didn't have a Mother at home [they had two Fathers] and the school administrators thought that celebrations "might not be a positive experience".
So for those posting messages on my comments, I want to make it clear. Though I am of a sensitive nature, I do stand behind the right to free speech, so leave any comment you want......but be sure to include your attorney's name and phone number. I won't stand idly by while you impune my self-worth, damage my psyche or make me feel unworthy with your snide remarks.