Sunday, August 18, 2002

Quorn's Abound!
The true value in the Internet is in information gathering. And now, alert reader Jen in Australia sends in the report of yet another Village of Quorn. Jen, like myself, a famous Mirror Project artisté, reports this Quorn to be in South Australia. The Village of Quorn in S.A. must be the hot bed of sports, or perhaps that is all there is to do in Quorn, Australia. Their website, Quorn Sports Central is replete with any sporting activity you might want to participate in on your next trip "down-under". I personally think I'll join the Lawn Bowling Club and the Gyro-Copter crew. They sound like an active lot, eh mate?

I feel that I am now one of the world's experts on Quorn. Both the fake meat and the Quorn villages of the world. I invite all readers to send reports of Quorn villages in locales yet unknown to me for further investigation and listing. I have aleady made the Town of Quorn, Leiceister, England my "Sister City" and hope to contact the residents of Quorn, NSW to bestow the same honor upon them.
Please send all information on Quorn's in your area to: