I have devised this simple yet accurate intelligence test as a service to my readers. It is reliable to within 98% and tests your innate thinking abilities and intuitive personal skills. We find that most people of above average intelligence take about 10 minutes to complete the test. Please "click" the button below to begin.
Saturday, August 10, 2002
Previous Posts
- Highest and best use......I enjoy communicating on...
- Things to do We all have things in our lives that...
- Letting Go Sometimes I think that the overriding ...
- TV Land Well I try and force myself to watch at l...
- Changes It's starting to feel like changes are in ...
- Eleven Wow, Eleven! Man O'Man I can't believe it'...
- Same Ol' Same Ol'Well not much news from the town ...
- Rainy Day People*Tonight was to be our semi-weekly...
- Just Bill Me!Darn, heck, woe is me and alas. It's ...
- An AmendsAn organization I belong to, recommends t...