How I came to be banned from the Mirror Project
The image above has caused me to be banned from the Mirror Project by owner, Heather. I look for no sympathy here, nor do I apologize to you. The banishment came not from profanity, bad behavior, lewd sexual innuendo or off color comments. No it came because of humor, actually the lack thereof by owner Heather. To explain I must digress.
Last Saturday, I made some effort to achieve a picture of me taking a picture of me in the DiamondVison screen at our local ballpark [available on request]. The picture was great and although not fitting the technical rules of Mirror Project to the exact "T", it was a work befitting the spirit of the project. Well not to Heather, as I received a short rejection note from her. OK, her site, her discretion. But I thought other "rejectees" might enjoy a bit of humor about our rejection. Thus the image above with a short narrative something to the effect of "After my rejection, I thought I'd get back to the basics of the Mirror Project". No accusatory tone, no resentment on my part. Shortly after submission I received a note from Heather to the effect of "if you got a problem, take it up directly with me Squirt". Being not quite a moron I picked up an angry tone.
At this time I must point out, that over the course of my Mirror Project career, I have sent this same Heather a nice note almost everytime my photos were added, telling her thanks and how much I appreciated the work she obviously put into the site. But, I thought, "I've offended poor Heather". So I wrote a very sincere note of appology telling her that no offense was meant, that again I appreciated her work and that if ever I was in San Francisco she could kick me really hard. I think most people would accept this and move on....but not our Heather. Today I submitted a tame no frills mirror shot, only to receive a "Rejection" almost instantly. xxxxxxxxxx [deleted items]. I mailed back asking if there was a problem with the photo. No she said, "the problem was me, and she could reject anyone she damn well pleased". Again I detected some bitterness.
So that's it. International banishment. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [deleted items]. Oh and Have a Nice Day :>]