Tuesday, August 27, 2002

A hot one....!
Well for the first time this summer, it's been hot. I mean really hot, hotter than a two dollar Mexican pistol. 105° in the shade today, and there ain't much shade. This is the part of the country where we have a town named Notrees. Named as such for a reason. But really, you know, 105° coupled with very dry humidity isn't all that bad. No it only felt like it was 103°. And with a strong breeze all day that was very iritating. Like having a fan blowing on you from your oven. The kind of day where, if you had cheese in your pocket, it would melt ruining your pants.

But then, much in contrast to the forecast, storm clouds appeared late in the afternoon from the West. These meandered over the city and some rain did come down, but mainly as virga, not hitting the ground. Well, nowhere except my car which was parked at Outback Steakhouse for Amanda's [Julie's daughter] birthday celebration. This in combination with the dust in the air did a fine job of creating big dusty sploches on my nice clean car. Then some thunder rumbles. And I have to say, that thunderstorms when it is that hot, create some very strange looking clouds. It was eerie.