Friday, August 09, 2002

Highest and best use......
I enjoy communicating on the web with people all over the world. I enjoy sharing my images and thoughts. But to be honest, much of the enjoyment of setting up webpages, blogs and the like is just plain in the doing. I remember the first webpage I ever created in 19 and 98. It is the Texas History Map. I learned the basics of web design for the most base of reasons........GREED. And indeed I've sold those maps to the tune of five figures. But I remember the power of creating the page, uploading it, not having any idea if it would work or not. And then typing in the the URL and !!Bingo!! there it was. It was magic and I was hooked. I've improved somewhat, to the point now that people pay me to do websites for them, I'm working on a large job The Lerwick Family which is just now under contruction and have several more jobs waiting. I enjoy the challenge of learning new techniques and the latest updates.
Therefore I enjoy recommending sites that have captured the "highest and best use" standards of Internet technology. Two of these are: The Ultimate Taxi an amazing "wired" cab in Aspen, Colorado, and The Icepick House an even more amazing house in the Netherlands.
I have chatted online with techno cabbie Jon Barnes, a nice guy, so I have added him to my Zany Characters links. I have emailed questions to Mr. and Mrs. Ice Pick, but they must be hoity-toity Europeans as they have not answered, so they can go to hell.......but I still like their website.