Sunday, August 04, 2002

Eleven Wow, Eleven!

Man O'Man I can't believe it's eleven weeks, can you? And how lucky I am. I mean look at the photo above.......Julie is beautiful, charming, vivacious and so Ooo la la. And Me, I'm used dog food, a broken down wretch. How truly fortunate I am that Julie hit here head while flying and doesn't know what she's doing. How else can this be explained. Well, no matter, it is what it is and I will just have to accept this. And not too hard a thing to accept it is. Next week the big Three Month Anniversary.

And while you're here, with apparently nothing better to do, I ask that you go to The Yellow Bug News and take part in a scientific survey now being conducted on the use of Suppositories. There has been a debate raging concerning their use among the Blogging community. Remember this is a Scientific Survey and your help is needed!