Monday, July 29, 2002

No wonder I'm tired!
Well here I sit [which I do a considerable amount of the time, unless I'm lying down], but I always feel tired. Why? Well now I know the reason!
I have recently read some startling facts. As I sit here, the earth is turning at a rate of 1041 m.p.h. Ok, kid's stuff, but also the earth is traveling around the Sun at a rate of 60,000 m.p.h. I'm gaining some speed here, but our Universe is moving thru the Milky Way Galaxy at the astronomically amazing rate of 530,000 m.p.h. All told just settin' here in my chair I'm zipping along at an incredible combined speed of 591,041 m.p.h. Man o' man.....I need some more rest, I really believe I deserve it and need it to keep up this pace.
And now some good news for the economy in West Texas. The Onion Ring Manufacturing Plant in Pecos, Texas has been rescued from closure. No small potatoes this.....they employ 700 souls down there. And you always wondered where onion rings came you know. [I wonder if they have a wholesale window.......I like onion rings]