Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Just Bill Me!
Darn, heck, woe is me and alas. It's happening again. I'm having trouble paying my bills. No, not that kind of trouble, I've got way enough money. It's just that I'm having a hard time...Paying My Bills, as in getting them where they're supposed to go. After yesterday's travails, here they come again. While checking the mail at lunch today, what should appear in my mailbox, but the cable bill I mailed yesterday, and not returned for a bad address, but because it was mailed to me by, apparently.....Me. I could make excuses and say that the cable company sent me the wrong return envelope, but I won't blame others that I'll have to make amends to later. I apparently put the cable bill in the wrong envelope, sending it to myself. As we say in a self improvement organization that I belong to, "You are looking at the problem in the mirror".
So, if anyone in BlogLand would like to take over the job of paying my bills, please step forward. All the better if you use your own money.

Spontaneous Remission
And on the computer scene there has been a miracle! For weeks this very Blog...Streams has been generating an Error 503 "Template Screwed Up". But just last night without any changes, additions, or alterations by me, it cured itself and is now fully functioning, unlike it's human counterpart.