Saturday, July 27, 2002

Jumpin''s hot
I just got thru mowing the lawn in 100° heat. Now most people of my ilk wonder about me, "Why don't you get a yard person", I hear. I've thought of that, but really I don't for two reasons. One is rather personal, almost spiritual if you will. I think that in this modern world, in western society, we all really have too much stuff and that unless we take personal care of our stuff we tend not to appreciate it. It wasn't too long ago that thru my own actions, I didn't have any, zippo, nada....stuff, especially a grand estate to call my own. So, I don't mind a little hard work, to remind me to appreciate what I have.

The second reason is that, 2.5 hours of yard work in 100° heat is damned good excercise. And spending way too much time bringing mirth, frivolity and wonderment to my cyber-clients, I need some damned good excercise. It really gets me, those same people who ask me, "Why don't you get a yard guy". Their reason for having a yard guy is that doing the lawn themselves takes up too much of their valuable time, and that it's too hot and hard to do it. The same people who pay $50 a week to spend 2 hours a day in the gym, sweating and lifting. Go figger!