Independence Day *The 4th of July*
It's Independence Day in the United States, and a day to have extreme gratitude for all the freedoms bestowed upon us. The freedom to say most anything we want no matter how trivial or even hateful. The freedom to come and go as we please, even if that means going to Wal-Mart and buying yet something else we don't need. The freedom to read what we want no matter how perverse or even moronic. The freedom to elect the officials that we chose, even though we love to comment on how bad our choices are or even openly critize our government. The freedom to worship...or not, as we see fit and in our own way.
The freedom to assemble whenever we chose, dressed as we wish. The picture above with Julie, Jack and Amanda and dog Daphne, is at the Courthouse Square for our annual childrens 4th of July parade. We have assembled with people from all cultures, races, creeds and religious beliefs to show our gratitude for being able to live in a free society. So Mr. Jefferson, Gen. Washington, Mr. Adams, Mr. Hamilton and all the other founding fathers we salute you and thank you for this gift!
And I ask you to remember that freedom is not free, and hope you will remember those who have perished to help us to stay free!