Family Reunion!
But we made somewhat the most of the time we had on this visit. Dinner Monday and lunch with my Dad and Brother [male bonding] today. The family all came over to the Pedro Estate this evening, and Julie prepared a nice after dinner assortment ranging from the healthiness of fresh fruit to the king of calories......eclairs and fresh homemade whipped cream. Devine. The girls got to feed my turtles and after getting over the fact that the Big Gold Dog is twice as big as they are.....yet sublimely gentle, had a great time with him.
The picture above is the moment when niece Katie discovered that among her many talents, Julie had been a tap dancer! A tap dancer......I didn't know this, but I should have suspected it, she had also been a cheerleader. And in Texas cheerleading and tap dancing go hand in hand.
Julie and I must have made a good impression on the girls. As they were driving away, Katie said "Why couldn't we live with them--forever?" Why not indeed.