Thursday, July 25, 2002

Dear Bloggers and Bloggettes. Because of my vast array of computing skills I have been selected by YACCS commenting systems to "Beta Test" their newest upgrade to their fine product. They explain it as.....

FTP/SCP is a new feature of YACCS. It allows you to have YACCS upload the comment counts to your server, instead of loading them from the YACCS server. This means that the loading of your page can never be slowed down by YACCS, even if the server is down.

With this great honor I have taken the opportunity to redesign "Streams" my sometimes almost daily journal of daily life in a smallish West Texas town, and my wildly exciting adventures therein. And hopefully more stories of interest, such as.

Just the other day, the US Air Forces' most super sensitive weapon the F-117 Stealth fighter made a stunning "kill" in a practice bomb run in our area. The top secret Stealth fighter practices in our clear skies quite often to hone their razor sharp skills. Using laser guided smart munitions the F-117 lined up it's target and in perfect precision let go the 25lb. practice bomb and hit within inches of it's intended target. Unfortuneatly that target was a small home in the town of Monahans. The bomb penetrated all the way thru the foundation of the house, scaring the BeJesus out of the occupants. Luckily no one was hurt, and the Air Force quickly offered to pay all damages. They did, however, have quite alot of explaining to do........and as it turns out, the pilot thought he was making only a "photo bomb run". He didn't know he actually had any ordnance on board. But as we learn, we should always check our vehicle before leaving home!