Tuesday, July 30, 2002

An Amends
An organization I belong to, recommends that we acknowledge our mistakes and make amends to those we have harmed. This is it in writing. Several weeks ago, I received a phone call from Tracy, my friendly bankerette at Pioneer Savings in Roswell, New Mexico......my mortgage holder. Tracy politely asked, "where the hell is your mortgage check?". I replied not to worry, I had not run off with the house, and that I had mailed the check the previous week. I consulted my checkbook and sure enough, I had paid most of my bills earlier in the month. I did, however, send another check post haste. Then several days ago I checked my bank statement online, only to discover that several other bill payments had not yet cleared. HHHhhm, thought I. I mailed all those bills the same day. My conclusion was that, obviously, some pyscho postal employee had run off with them to buy arms and ammo to shoot up a postal facility. I was P.O.'ed today. I was going to get to the bottom of this.
And strangely I did.....God works in mysterious ways. While straightening up the credenza where I keep my We Were Soldiers photos, I lifted up a stack of images and there I found.....a whole stack of bills, addressed, stamped and ready to be sent. Including the mortgage payment and the city water bill.
So here I offer my profound appologies to the Postal Dept. and it's fine staff. I make amends for my thoughts. If one of their fine employees shoots up a facility it won't be with my money. And I did immediately rush over to pay my water bill, which was three weeks late. They are not nearly as understanding over there as Tracy in Roswell. They informed me that they were ready to shut the H2O off. This is a friendly city, but one with no sense of humor about not paying for water. And now I'm worried, thinking you paid your bills, only to find them in your office three weeks later is, I believe, one of the first signs of Oldheimers Disease