Thursday, June 27, 2002

Tres' New Chapeau

While at home for lunch today, a mysterious package was dropped thru the mail chute by Art the Postman. Flat, and resembling a CD mailer, I at first thought it was the images that my contacts at Paramount Picturesİ were supposed to be sending. But no, it was from Alabama home of the Crimson Tide, humidity and kudzu. The return address simply said, "Elvis" so I knew right away that it must be from "Bus Girl", as I think I heard that Elvis is deceased. Sure enough, it was from Vicki of the Harpersville Valley PTA in Alabama and, by Gawd, it was a brand spanking new hat for the Big Gold Dogİ.....hisownself.
As you can see in the image above it is simply stunning and Tres tried it right on, he loved it and wanted to go for a drive to show it off. But I had to point out that it was of a small size, perhaps meant for a Peek-a-Poo and he is after all the Big Gold Dogİ with a size large head. So, with graciousness of heart, which characterizes his breed, he will give it to Daphne, Julie's dog who we are sure will wear it with pride........