I'm making meat loaf, for Fathers Day with My Dad, Mom and Julie.
I am blessed that my Dad is still here, and living with my Mom only 4 blocks away...in the house I mostly grew up in.
My Dad, a child of the "depression", working from aged 12 to help support his family because that's just what people did and he didn't consider himself special, but his Mom and Sister did.
My Dad, the soldier, left for Europe and didn't come home for 3 years. His best Army friend was killed right beside him on the first day of combat in Italy. My Dad who endured many months of hard combat, and was evacuated only after his feet had frozen in the Alps. My Dad who came home, and didn't talk about it all for another 40 years, because it was too hard, and because as an American it was simply his duty to perform.....and that's what everyone did, so he didn't consider himself special. But we do.
My Dad who really worked way too hard to send three sometimes ungrateful kids to the best colleges while forgoing things he had dreamed of all his life. I only suspect this because he never mentioned it and didn't consider himself special....but we do.
My Dad who watched a son descend into the hellish pit of alcohol, but never had a harsh word, only good advice. And had the patience to wait years for this advise to sink in and didn't consider himself special......but I do.
My Dad who has always been there for everyone in the whole family, put everyone else first and always did the very best he could because that's what Dad's do and didn't consider himself special........but we do!!