Here they are, my two best buddies in the whole world. I took a series of shots today with Julie and Tres, the Big Gold Dog and as usual the best shots are spontaneous and unposed. I wanted to get these because Julie's dress was a dead ringer, colorwise, with the gladiolas we had for our big One Month Anniversary over the weekend. I will have the photo shot series on display at Gold Dog Imaging soon.
In a real surprise, I checked on my server situation this evening and found that I have only used 14Mb of my 50Mb allotment. I really need to start putting more pictures and movies up....and maybe do 20-30 more websites. People who already think that I'm crazy will love that. Man O'Man things have changed in the internet/hosting business. When I started putting things up on the web in 1998, you were lucky if you got 5Mb for a hefty price. Now, I'm on the economy program with Server 101 for a mere $8.95/month. This gives me the 50Mb and ten email accounts.........more if I want 'em because I'm well loved at Server 101.