Sunday, May 12, 2002

Once again, Streams has suffered due to busy-ness and business. Monkey business and web business. I am so busy working on redoing some of my websites and a new one for an advertising agency that I don't have time to do my duty to my own personal journal. But I did accompany my Mother out for the "Mother's Day Event". Which is pretty much the same as every other Sunday ...going out to eat. Now I do love my Mother and appreciate her, and am grateful that both she and my dad are still with us and in fact live only 4 blocks from me. But.......sometimes my Mother drives me crazy with her preconceived ideas on how life is supposed to be. This has been growing for oh let's say the last several decades. And it has gotten worse, because everyone in the family has "tiptoed" around her knowing that disagreeing would not be the thing to do for family harmony. So, since no one has ever said anything, this has only made her think that her ideas are right since no one disagrees.
Oh, my sister has tried to disagree, which resulted in my Mom and Sis barely speaking for several years. My brother doesn't have to worry about disagreeing since he rarely visits and just puts up with it for several days and then is gone again. Leaving me 4 blocks from the scene of the action to put up with it. Well, I hereby go on record as saying "I'm mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it anymore".......probably or not.