Tuesday, April 09, 2002

Work Report: Well here it is 8:45 and I have just finished one of the most odious and disgusting tasks there is. I did my biannual master bathroom drain unclogging. For those not use to W. Texas drains.....they clog often. It's the calcite in the water. It forms plaque that traps everything and then turns into a cement like substance. Just like a bad heart. Now the plaque is really only around the drain. When one gets further back into the drain, their is a mung-like substance that looks strangely like petroleum and I suppose given another couple million years, might very well become petroleum. None-the-less it is a job that stagnates my mind and makes me wish I was married. This sounds like a job a woman would really enjoy or maybe a slave or an indentured servant.
Now the disgusting drain cleaning came after blowing the driveway and then the upper terrace free of leaves with the atomic powered blower/sucker. Oh yes, and then chasing the dog clear down the to the duck pond a long block away. He's discovered that he doesn't like the blower/sucker either.....reminds him of thunder. And people wonder what I do with my free time. Well after vacuuming now, I hope to catch at least a half an hour of Andy of Mayberry. If I'm lucky........