Well today was a day like any other day. Get up put on clothes and go to the office. But like most days I wish I didn't have to shower and decide what to wear. Life was much easier while living outdoors in the Army. Number one, you didn't really have to take your clothes off to go to sleep. And most of the time it wasn't advisable to take your clothes off. Usually one had to get up suddenly while sleeping on the ground. So, even if you did take some of your clothes off, you still didn't have to decide what to wear on arising. The choice was lying right there next to you. A green ensemble. No fuss, no muss, put on your jungle fatigue shirt and ! Voila ! you were dressed and ready to go. Boil up some coffee in an old "C" ration can and ! Voila ! there's breakfast. It was all so easy.
But I did the civilized thing......I did take a shower and put on regular clothes and go to the office. Where, much to my surprise I did all the accounting on my wells, which is very tedious and makes me prone to procrastination. I did this acounting virtually the day I received the data on the wells. Glad to have that over for the month.
Thanks for listening, and as a reward here's a groovy web experience.... LedPants.com
But I did the civilized thing......I did take a shower and put on regular clothes and go to the office. Where, much to my surprise I did all the accounting on my wells, which is very tedious and makes me prone to procrastination. I did this acounting virtually the day I received the data on the wells. Glad to have that over for the month.
Thanks for listening, and as a reward here's a groovy web experience.... LedPants.com