Sunday, April 14, 2002

OK, I admit it, I'm compulsive about yard work. I feel like if I'm not out there during this beautiful weather something is amiss. Today I was simply going to plant 12 more Salvia in the bed abutting the patio. But then......I thought, well maybe I'd better turn that bed over while I'm at it. And then having the shovel out, I reasoned that I might as well turn the other herb garden bed. And while turning the beds I notice that some of my fern-like plants had dead material on them so I needed to remove that. And while removing dead material from the fern-like plants I saw excess leaves under a get the point. I spent 3 hours on these chores when I had planned just to chill out on a Sunday afternoon.
but I did get a good start on this years tan. It's hot out...well hot for the not quite mid part of April. Hot, but sure is making the grass green up on the quick!! And my you should see my patio area. With no wind today it's just gorgeous. For 12 hours or so until the wind comes again.