My what a pleasant surprise! We had us a nice little $5 rain storm. I say $5 storm because that's how much it saved me, in watering fees tonight. Some lightning and thunder, enough to dissuade the Big Gold Dog from walking too far, but not a terrible storm. However I had just completed blowing yet more oak leaves and pecan tree fluff when the storm hit. In the front this was peachy because the SW wind blew the botanical debris over into the neighbors yard, but on the patio the same wind filled the Mexican tile once again with fluff. So, being a normal person I went out after the wind had subsided and hosed the patio off in the rain. Wouldn't you? Of course you would......if you were obsessive/compulsive about leaf cleanliness.
And now the storm has passed, the air is cleansed, the lawn is watered and the Big Gold Dog is in the bathtub.....all is well!
And now the storm has passed, the air is cleansed, the lawn is watered and the Big Gold Dog is in the bathtub.....all is well!