Lawn and Garden Report: Things are starting to look up on the gardening scene! The grass now has more green than stale used brown and in important news, the nastertiums are shooting their little seed heads up out of the ground. I know you are as excited as I am. More geraniums are in the pots on the patio [Shocking Red] and I remembered that I had put salvia [again Shocking Red] in late last year and it did well in the semi-shaded more this year. Now that the sun is out again and temperatures are warm, the purple wisteria is starting to send out vines that are already one foot up the wire espalier I constructed for their use. Hopefully by the end of summer they will have started to reach their intended goal........the top of the patio Trellis!
I can't wait until morning to see how all the new additions are doing!
I can't wait until morning to see how all the new additions are doing!