I am here to report that I am tired.......just bone tired. The old Army "humpin' the boonies" kinda' tired. Where you could fall down in 100° heat on rocks and be asleep in 3 seconds. My sleep deficit is at an all time high after having had not enough sleep for weeks. I didn't journey to slumberland the last two nights until after 1 A.M. and both nights woke up at around 2 A.M. with dreams being the cause. Not bad dreams or nightmares.......just dreams. I think that since consciously trying to get up and write these down, my inner self wakes me up to do so. Then last night I thought that I heard the dog roaming around at about 4 A.M. he wasn't but I was up again. Not to mention that I've been sleeping with the doors in my bedroom open to the outside, an enjoybable experience, but the thousands of grackles in the large pine tree tend to make very strange grackling noises which sound very much like banchee's wailing. Grackles are very strange....quiet for what seems to be hours and then one starts his grackling and all the rest join in, then quiet again. All dead in the middle of the night. What the hell are they thinking? But anyway it has all worn me out. I feel I really need to go spend time with the Benedictine Monks in Pecos NM. Read about them at: The Restful Benedictines.Com
But I have much to do today, so I'm going to force myself into action [something I'm good at....the Army training] and head out. But, I promise myself that tonight I'm going to bed early.....perhaps 11:30 P.M.. I promise.
I'll send you an email at 1 A.M. to tell you how it worked out.
But I have much to do today, so I'm going to force myself into action [something I'm good at....the Army training] and head out. But, I promise myself that tonight I'm going to bed early.....perhaps 11:30 P.M.. I promise.
I'll send you an email at 1 A.M. to tell you how it worked out.