Saturday, April 13, 2002

Blow and mow, that's the order of the day. But first thing this morning the Big Gold Dog and I went on our usual walk. As we were trundling down Bedford Dr. a voice came from a house on the walk. The voice said, "hey". It was our friend Liz, which is the Dogs favorite house. He will not pass Liz's house without going to the front door and sitting like the RCA Victor dog, with his head cocked listening for sounds of life. He just likes Liz's house. Perhaps that's because when we are invited in, Tres gets a bird encounter of the 1st kind. Liz has a Cockatil, which she claims has 49 words in his vocabularly. The vocabulary words I have heard the bird say are.......0.
Well we stayed for coffee, and Tres had his usual bowl of water provided by the gracious hostess and off we went.....home to blow leaves and mow the lawn. It was quite exciting and now I feel guilty because I'm thru and there is still daylight out.