Well the new Baseball Park opened in Midland tonight. The name of the stadium is the First Somethingorother Bank Ball Park. My, this certainly is a name all the citizens of Midland can be proud of. It has a certain ring to it. The ring of cash registers in our City Councils ears. Ears which they should have cut off and stuffed up their.....well we won' t go into that. I suppose politics never changes......well yes it does, it gets worse. The citizens of Midland will be paying for the First Somethingorother Bank Ball Park for decades....glad we have a great name.
On a more positive note, Gen. Tommy Franks returned to his old hometown to throw out the first pitch, at the First Somethingorother Bank Ball Park. Gen. Franks spoke to a large crowd this afternoon downtown, and I was fortunate enough to be able to speak with him for a moment, after I informed his aide we had mutual friends in the Army. Like Gen. Dick Cody, commanding general of the 101st Airborne Division. I still have a bed I bought from Dick in 1972. I invited the General over to see it......he declined.
On a more positive note, Gen. Tommy Franks returned to his old hometown to throw out the first pitch, at the First Somethingorother Bank Ball Park. Gen. Franks spoke to a large crowd this afternoon downtown, and I was fortunate enough to be able to speak with him for a moment, after I informed his aide we had mutual friends in the Army. Like Gen. Dick Cody, commanding general of the 101st Airborne Division. I still have a bed I bought from Dick in 1972. I invited the General over to see it......he declined.