Sunday, March 10, 2002

Well, it's Sunday morning and I apparently survived the dreaded "egg poisoning" least I think I did...I woke up. But woke up at 10:30 [cst] which is very unusual for me. Well, I actually woke up at 7:30 [cst] when the dog indicated that he wanted to go out.....which he did and then came back in and was kind enough to let me return to slumberland. I have accumulated quite a sleep deficit over time due to late night computer work. I also had quite a few dreams, but being Zoombie like, couldn't get up to write them down. I did remember one, however, which can be viewed at Pedro's Dreamland, another fine Internet product brought to you by.......well Me.
And the driveway.......after a three [3] hour cleanup yesterday I awoke to see pecan detrius strewn all over. The result of overnight squirrel activities.........the little $#%#% are testing my patience.
And after for the weekly visit to the local Luby's Cafeteria with my folks. This is our approximately 1000th visit and went just like the last 999. Luby's is a treat, as except for a few scattered teenage grandchildren, I am the youngest person there!