Well an interestin' day all in all. Healthy breakfast, walk the big gold dog, and then sweep up pecan crap from the driveway once again. Squirrels! They're trying my patience. They also broke another flower pot. With all the freekin' pecans laying around, why in the damn hell do they need to dig in the pots....answer me that? To find out more about squirels go to: Squirels.com [ editors note: squirel is kind'a of a funny looking word if you study it closely]
A great experience in the afternoon at the Confederate Air Force, three pilots from the famous Blacksheep Squadron made well known on the old TeeVee show Baa Baa Blacksheep. Which the genuine pilots say was so much crap, but at least made them famous.
Upon returning home, I had received a solicitation from The Happy Hill Farm Childrens Home. Now I've never heard of The Happy Hill Farm Childrens Home, but they sure knew me. They had sent me a page of return address labels with dogs on them....with my correct address. Furthermore, they put on the solicitation, "Please help the children and their pets" Now I figure that the children can fend for themselves, but I sure as hell want to help their pets. So I sent them a little something to feed their dogs.
If you are a parent with children at home, and ever get tired of them and want to dump them somewhere and run off; I recommend The Happy Hill Farm Children's Home.......and tell them to bring their pets; there is plenty of dog food available.
A great experience in the afternoon at the Confederate Air Force, three pilots from the famous Blacksheep Squadron made well known on the old TeeVee show Baa Baa Blacksheep. Which the genuine pilots say was so much crap, but at least made them famous.
Upon returning home, I had received a solicitation from The Happy Hill Farm Childrens Home. Now I've never heard of The Happy Hill Farm Childrens Home, but they sure knew me. They had sent me a page of return address labels with dogs on them....with my correct address. Furthermore, they put on the solicitation, "Please help the children and their pets" Now I figure that the children can fend for themselves, but I sure as hell want to help their pets. So I sent them a little something to feed their dogs.
If you are a parent with children at home, and ever get tired of them and want to dump them somewhere and run off; I recommend The Happy Hill Farm Children's Home.......and tell them to bring their pets; there is plenty of dog food available.