Well I'm just plumb wore out from all that leaf blowin' today. But what last year took 4 days, this time with the Atomic Powered Blower/Sucker took only 4 hours. With the rake, last year I was constantly sticking the rake tines on shrubs, vines and roots, but the Atomic blower/sucker just blows them things right out of the way. I had envisioned sucking the leaves out of the flower beds, but when I tried blowin'...I quickly saw that this was the ticket! At the 180 mph setting it was like a leaf hand grenade going off. Them leaves was shootin' 5 ft. up in the air. And when I pumped it up to the 215 mph top velocity, it was just too much. It would take several inches of top soil off and was knocking down small trees. It was a thing of beauty. I pushed all the leaves to the corner of the yard and then out the gate into the alley. Now they're someone elses problem, hopefully the Gilkersons up the block.
Still I had to tote 18 loads of my large yard waste recepticle out. Yes sir, I'm tuckered out, and I did have some blower/sucker noise related guilt, but it was worth it. And I'm not an incessant blower/sucker noisemaker, merely an intermittent one. For more blower/sucker noise morality issues go to: Blower/Sucker Noise.Com
Still I had to tote 18 loads of my large yard waste recepticle out. Yes sir, I'm tuckered out, and I did have some blower/sucker noise related guilt, but it was worth it. And I'm not an incessant blower/sucker noisemaker, merely an intermittent one. For more blower/sucker noise morality issues go to: Blower/Sucker Noise.Com