Today will be a day of gratitude! Upon awaking last night at 2:45 A.M. to write down the crazy dream I had for Pedro's Dreamland I looked out to the patio and saw that it was wet. At first in my dreamlike stupor I thought that the sprinklers had gone on, or it was still wet from the dust hosing earlier in the evening. But was the miracle of RAIN. Surprising because the morons at the Weather Channel had made no mention of rain for the foreseeable future. I hope those people don't make too much money, except for weather babe Christina Abernathy. Anyway, rain no matter whether predicted or not is a blessing. Althought it did knock all the accumulated dust off of my roof, down the gutters and deposited it on my clean driveway. It's worth it! And more rain possible. If in fact it does rain again, I'll include pictures for those of you, like me, who have never seen rain before.