Sunday, March 17, 2002

Sunday, a day of rest. Not......for pedro. After the prefunctory lunch at Luby's [and my wasn't the square fish especially good today!] I was hard at work cleaning up the residual dust from the driveway. Yessirre Bob, a good hosing actually restored it to it's natural gray color. Then on to the "weed and feed" followed by the start to the leaf cleanup in the flower beds. A job for many weekends and evenings to come. It's nice to have a forest in the backyard, but the work is eternal and infernal and I'm thinking about getting all plastic trees with my home improvement loan. I estimate there to be 1000 metric tons of leaves back there......conservatively. Later on in the evening I forced myself to watch Maude on TV Land and was reminded why I didn't watch Maude when it was originally on. It is smarmy liberal feminism at it's lowest. The only thing good about it was that Adrienne Barbeau who I used to think was a "hot chick" but when viewed in the present is only a "luke warm chick".