Sunday afternoon in Dullsville! Life doesn't have much meaning when you are neglected, isolated and without friends. Even the "Free Beer" still sits in my fridge, beer left from one year ago when I did have friends. It's amazing that in this day and age, one can offer "Free Beer" and get no takers. The story of "Free Beer" can be reviewed at Pedro's Free Beer. But I won't feel sorry for myself, I have a dog. A good dog. In fact a well respected dog and a dog whom most people favor over me. Two recent notes from Hollywood personality Bruce Crandall ["We Were Soldiers", played by Greg Kinnear] illuminate the situation. Note 1]: Thanks. God I love your dog. We may be coming through Midland in early June. Will let you know when our schedule works out. Bruce Note 2]:You are bad! Your dog is good! Opposites attract! Too bad for Tres! (signed) Snakeo Seis There you have it. My dog more popular with friends than I. And Bruce even drank free beer when he visited last.
But I make good money, perhaps I can buy several new friends. Or perhaps I'll get that Swedish foreign exchange student I applied for. She can help out with the yard work and oil and gas bookkeeping, oh yes and light house work. But other than complete isolation I have a good life, except for my sinuses, the bane of my life, which are associated with dust another bane of my life. And the wind, associated with the other banes. I am in the process of making a bane list.
But besides the Luby's experience, I did have one other human contact today, neighbor and fellow Trinity U. grad, Liz R, did stop in the street for chat. She described her weekend sailing experience at Lake Amistad. It was terribly windy and cold on the sailing trip, so doing what good sailors do in that situation, they went to a bar in Mexico. Perhaps I'll have friends tomorrow.
But I make good money, perhaps I can buy several new friends. Or perhaps I'll get that Swedish foreign exchange student I applied for. She can help out with the yard work and oil and gas bookkeeping, oh yes and light house work. But other than complete isolation I have a good life, except for my sinuses, the bane of my life, which are associated with dust another bane of my life. And the wind, associated with the other banes. I am in the process of making a bane list.
But besides the Luby's experience, I did have one other human contact today, neighbor and fellow Trinity U. grad, Liz R, did stop in the street for chat. She described her weekend sailing experience at Lake Amistad. It was terribly windy and cold on the sailing trip, so doing what good sailors do in that situation, they went to a bar in Mexico. Perhaps I'll have friends tomorrow.