Midnight Report: Boy howdy and whee doggies, we had a toad floater of a rain. Short lived but it was a downpour. Stangely coincidental however, that this occured on a night that I went out to eat with parents and family. The last time it stormed like this was in August....on a night I went out to eat with my folks. In ordinary years I wouldn't care and actually I love storms and lightning. But with a storm sensitive Dog, it makes me feel guilty to go out and leave him in a panic. However, he is very much better about the storm situation since I've been counseling him. And since he now has his own bathtub to crawl into to. It's insulated you know...from the static electricity. To be honest, I must say that lightning and thunder of the very close "Flash/Bang" variety does get to me too. It's too much like mortar rounds exploding, it makes me want to "duck and cover" which I sometimes do, flinch anyway. Read more about lightning at: Flash/Bang.Com