"I'm mad as hell....and I'm not going to take it anymore"!! Remember that classic movie line? Well that's the way I feel today, and for that matter most everyday. So if you don't want to read a diatribe, here's your chance, just take the easy way out, and go to TV Land.Com.
I'm angry at the way the world is, the new reality sucks, mostly.
*First I read that after 32 years, Wall $treet Week with Louis Rukeyser is gone. Yes just gone. The Moron 30 somethings at the PBS station wanted to change the format, Rukeyeser said no. A format that has worked for 32 years and had me watching for about 28 of those years. So they just fire Rukeyser, an institution.
*Then on the Nightly News I hear that the ban on snow mobiles in Yellowstone National Park has been rescinded. A ban that every single person, even some snowmobilers thinks is wise. 2000 snowmobiles a day causing noise and air pollution so bad, that the Park Rangers have to wear ear plugs and breathing apparatus. But the Bush administration apparently thinks that the snowmobile lobby is more important. Where is simple common sense?
*And while I'm on a tear......have you recently tried to get in touch with one of your public utilities, your gas or electric company. I mean actually speak to an real person about your bill or a problem? Don't bother. In the good old days, you would just drive over to Wall St. in Midland to where they actually had an office and speak to a real person. Not today. They are all megaconglomerates based in Dallas or New Delhi or West BumFxxx Egypt! But you can get the "telephone tree" in Spanish!
*Which brings me to my nest egg safe stock investments. Which in a word, aren't anymore. Safe holdings like Indianapolis Power and Light which is now part of something called AES, with offices in every country except Moldavia. They have taken the stock from $34 a share to a whopping $6 a share within a year or so. And WorldCom which, once upon a time was MCI, an innovative technology leader. WorldCom is now worth somewhere around $5 a share. And don't even mention Enron. I understand that the stock certificate is now worth more as a collectors item than it is on the market.
Well yes, I'm mad as hell....and I'm not going to take it anymore. But who are you going to complain to? Some phone tree? In Spanish?
I'm angry at the way the world is, the new reality sucks, mostly.
*First I read that after 32 years, Wall $treet Week with Louis Rukeyser is gone. Yes just gone. The Moron 30 somethings at the PBS station wanted to change the format, Rukeyeser said no. A format that has worked for 32 years and had me watching for about 28 of those years. So they just fire Rukeyser, an institution.
*Then on the Nightly News I hear that the ban on snow mobiles in Yellowstone National Park has been rescinded. A ban that every single person, even some snowmobilers thinks is wise. 2000 snowmobiles a day causing noise and air pollution so bad, that the Park Rangers have to wear ear plugs and breathing apparatus. But the Bush administration apparently thinks that the snowmobile lobby is more important. Where is simple common sense?
*And while I'm on a tear......have you recently tried to get in touch with one of your public utilities, your gas or electric company. I mean actually speak to an real person about your bill or a problem? Don't bother. In the good old days, you would just drive over to Wall St. in Midland to where they actually had an office and speak to a real person. Not today. They are all megaconglomerates based in Dallas or New Delhi or West BumFxxx Egypt! But you can get the "telephone tree" in Spanish!
*Which brings me to my nest egg safe stock investments. Which in a word, aren't anymore. Safe holdings like Indianapolis Power and Light which is now part of something called AES, with offices in every country except Moldavia. They have taken the stock from $34 a share to a whopping $6 a share within a year or so. And WorldCom which, once upon a time was MCI, an innovative technology leader. WorldCom is now worth somewhere around $5 a share. And don't even mention Enron. I understand that the stock certificate is now worth more as a collectors item than it is on the market.
Well yes, I'm mad as hell....and I'm not going to take it anymore. But who are you going to complain to? Some phone tree? In Spanish?