Thursday, March 14, 2002

I said that I would not talk about wind and dust again. I lied, I am a swine, but forgive me. The wind was back all it's evil incarnations. Wind is unpatriotic, it ripped my American flag down from it's very mount. Wind does not like botany. It tumped over one of my graceful plants, knocking it right off of the garden wall. The wind creates work for me, sweeping.....forever sweeping. And hosing dust off of the patio and the plants. And when the plants are hosed off...they emit the reeking putrid smell of dust.
The wind concerned me so much, in fact, that I went to see my bankers about a home improvement loan. The improvement I have in mind is moving the entire home to some more hospitable climate, perhaps Santa Fe.

[Editors note: any people mentioned in "Streams" are not real people. I don't know any real people. I once knew real people but their names escape me. The dogs mentioned are real and the vomit is real. And I really did use my pancake spatula to clean up real dog vomit. it may sit in my dishwasher for a long time, I may forget and use it again on pancakes before cleaning it.]
Read more about dog vomit at: Dog Vomit.Com